Basic Ts&Cs

  1. These WEDOS Hosting, Cybersecurity and Cloud Service Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as „HCCS Terms and Conditions“) form part of the „General Terms of Service of WEDOS Internet, a.s.“ (hereinafter referred to as „GTCs“).
  2. The use of these HCCS Terms and Conditions shall prevail over the use of the GTCs.
  3. HCCS includes the following services: web hosting (includes NoLimit, Miniweb, or specialized CMS hostings), mail hosting, WEDOS WebSite, WMS service, WEDOS Global service, WEDOS Microservices service, server hosting (virtual and dedicated servers), WEDOS Disk services. The cloud services include, in particular, the WEDOS CD service and the WEDOS Cloud service. The boundaries between hosting and cloud services can intersect. Any service offered is provided to the extent according to the selected variant of the service based on the current offer of the Provider.
    Details, technical specifications and specific restrictions of individual types of services are always listed on the Provider’s website.
  4. Web hosting is the provision of space on the Provider’s web servers for the operation of WWW pages on a level 2 or level 3 domain, or with the support of e-mail boxes (so-called email hosting) for the relevant domain and possibly with the support of databases. This primarily refers to shared web hosting and sharing resources with multiple users simultaneously. This service includes, for example, various versions of the NoLimit service, the NoLImit Extra service, as well as Miniweb, or various specialized CMS hosting services).
  5. Email hosting is the provision of a mailbox service for a relevant 2nd or 3rd level domain. Email hosting can be ordered completely separately or as part of one of the services listed here.
  6. The WEDOS WMS (Web hosting Managed Server) service is a special form of web hosting, which is not shared web hosting, but a web hosting  service with reserved parameters for each customer. The service may include email hosting.
  7. The WEDOS WebSite service is a service that includes a limited version of web hosting (with limited parameters) and the rental of an online website editor, which is used for easy creation, editing and management of simple web pages. The Website Editor contains various ready-made templates, blocks and components that Customers can use to create their own websites.
  8. The WEDOS Global service is a set of services using so-called anycast solutions, where individual sub-services are repeatedly distributed around the world in different numbers of copies. The service is very dynamic and the geographical distribution of the service can vary greatly and change dynamically over time. The service includes individual sub-services based on anycast technology. These include DNS, traffic filtering, IDS / IPS protection, DDoS protection, proxy servers, CDN, VPN. The scope of these services can be dynamically changed over time according to the current offer of the Provider. The Customer is able to only choose certain services that they are interested in.
  9. The WEDOS MicroServices service is a rental service that is based on the kubernetes service or similar. It is primarily a lease of various services according to the current offer of the Provider. The scope of these services can be dynamically changed over time according to the current offer of the Provider. The Customer is able to only choose certain services that they are interested in.
  10. The Virtual Servers service is the rental of virtual servers. Virtual servers mean the operation of a server in a virtualization environment, where part of the Provider’s server is reserved for running the Customer’s virtual server.
  11. The Dedicated Servers service is the rental of a physical – dedicated server for a specific Customer.
  12. The WEDOS Cloud service is a cloud service that includes the rental of a set of virtual servers that are managed by the Customer and are reserved for the running of the Customer’s services. The Customer is allowed to create their own virtual environment, including virtual servers, virtual networks, their own virtual data centers and their combinations.
  13. The WEDOS Disk service is the rental of disk space on the Provider’s servers for the purpose of private storage of files, especially backup ones.
  14. The WEDOS CD service is the rental of a complex of services based on NextCloud technology and possibly other related or similar technologies. The solution provides space for private file storage, including a comprehensive office suite and office solution that can be used as a complete backup environment.
  15. The contractual relationship continues even after the Customer moves their applications, web pages and other data to another provider and ceases to use the Provider’s services. In such a case, the Customer must properly terminate the service by filling out the notice form on the Customer Administration website or by filling out the contact form which they are obliged to properly authorize.
  16. Access data (login names and passwords) are sent to the Customer’s e-mail address specified for the service in the customer data when setting up the service. If the password is forgotten, it is not possible to send the password to the Customer again, because the Provider does not register it in their databases for security reasons. In this case, the Customer must set a new password on the Customer Administration website or by sending an authorized request using the contact form.
  17. The Provider declares that they comply with all necessary legal regulations for the operation of the offered services. The Provider declares that they are regularly inspected by the relevant state administration bodies. The Provider declares that regular audits are performed in various forms (eg security, ISO, financial).

Web Hosting

  1. Web hosting includes the operation of WWW pages for a level 2 or level 3 domain on the Provider’s server. The Customer has a reserved space on the WWW server, on which it is possible to place their WWW pages. The server runs on the Linux operating system, it is possible to use various technologies – such as PHP, depending on the selected service, or its variants. The size of the selected space varies depending on the variant selected by the Customer.
  2. Depending on the chosen variant of the service, web hosting may also include the operation of e-mail services (email hosting) for the relevant domain.
  3. Web hosting, depending on the chosen variant of the service, may also include the possibility to order one or more databases. Their number and type are not limited, but the total occupied space is limited. The parameters may differ for different variants of the service in accordance with the current offer of services, which is listed on the Provider’s website.
  4. Web hosting services are operated on shared servers, ie on those where services for multiple customers are located at the same time. This can degrade service availability and speed due to higher server utilization by other customers. The Provider does not guarantee the speed of web hosting services. If the Customer has higher requirements, it is recommended to switch to a different variant of hosting services (WMS, WEDOS Cloud, Microservices, virtual or dedicated servers).
  5. The space for WWW pages is unlimited, in some variants. In such a case, however, it may only be used to locate data that does not break the „Exclusion“ section of the General Terms and Conditions. In the event that the Customer purchases a variant of hosting service with unlimited space, only the files that are necessary for the operation of the website and the presentation of data (and there is a link to them from the website) may be stored within the given website.
  6. The web hosting service does not serve as a backup or storage space, but only for the operation of public WWW presentations, the Provider offers other services for backups (for example WEDOS CD or WEDOS Disk). The entire website must be located on and operated from the Provider’s servers; web hosting cannot be used, for example, only as storage for downloadable files. The Provider is entitled to delete files whose location in the website space is not justified in the opinion of the Provider.
  7. In the event of exceeding the limit of occupied space for databases, the Customer is asked by the Provider to correct the situation. The Customer is obliged to reduce the size of the occupied space or to agree on conditions for increasing this space with the Provider. If the Customer continues to exceed the permitted limits, the Provider is entitled to suspend the service.
  8. The Provider reserves the right to operate only those versions of technologies (PHP, MySQL, etc.) that they consider safe and that do not significantly affect the operation of other customers‘ services. In the event that a version can no longer be operated safely, the Provider reserves the right to terminate its further provision. If the Provider offers older versions of technologies for which security and maintenance updates are no longer issued, the Customer is obliged to modify their scripts so that security holes cannot be misused or other customers‘ traffic cannot be restricted.
  9. The Provider reserves the right to limit certain functions of the technologies (PHP, MySQL, etc.) in such a way that security cannot be compromised or the operation of the services of other customers cannot be significantly affected. Such restrictions may be imposed at their discretion whenever necessary, but the Provider must then contact the Customer by email within 24 hours. All restrictions and the current status of the technology configuration can be found by the Customer on the Provider’s website.
  10. The Provider reserves the right to offer new versions of technologies (PHP, MySQL, etc.) only when they deem it appropriate for security and operational reasons and the new version passes sufficient testing by the Provider.

Email Hosting

  1. The above conditions of web hosting shall apply to the email hosting service. Email hosting is a service that includes the operation of a mail server and mailboxes for a selected domain of the Customer. The Customer has a reserved space on the e-mail server, on which the Customer can create individual e-mail boxes and access them using the web interface, or using the POP and IMAP protocols, and can also send e-mails using the SMTP protocol.
  2.  The number of e-mail boxes is not limited (for most service variants) (or is limited for selected variants), but the total space occupied by e-mails is limited in accordance with the selected service variant.
  3. Email hosting can be offered and activated separately, but also as a part of other hosting or cloud services, or as an additional service to hosting and cloud services.
  4. The Provider warns that the receipt of e-mails intended for the Customer, or e-mails sent by the Customer to third parties, is not guaranteed in any way due to the nature of the service. Delivery and speed of delivery cannot be guaranteed. The Provider will do their utmost to ensure smooth delivery or receipt of the Customer’s e-mail messages.
  5. In the event of exceeding the occupied space limit for e-mail services, the Customer is not allowed to receive further e-mail messages (messages are rejected by the e-mail server).
  6. The Provider is not responsible for the chosen name for part or all of the e-mail address, both with regard to property rights, violations of laws, violations of good morals, and reduced delivery of e-mail messages due to incompatibilities, errors and filters.

WMS (Web hosting Managed Server)


  1. WEDOS WebSite is a simple Drag & Drop editor for creating simple web pages and editing them in the future. The service encompasses hiring an editor as a service. It is not the sale or rental of software, etc.
  2. The service includes the rental of ready-made templates, blocks and components.
  3. The Provider is not responsible for any errors in the editor. The function of the editor may be temporarily shut down and this does not affect the functionality of the Customer’s website. A shutdown or failure of the editor is not included in the availability guarantee under this agreement and is not subject to compensation.
  4. The service also includes web hosting for the given website and, for selected variants, the operation of e-mail boxes with their own domain. The offer of variants is governed by the current price list.
  5. The Customer understands that all data can be distributed via the so-called CDN and individual components of the site (such as images, css styles) can be distributed to the Internet from a single central URL for all sites operated on the WebSite service.
  6. The Customer is fully responsible for the content of their created websites, including texts, multimedia and scripts, especially with regard to the rights of third parties. By publishing the website and placing files, texts, scripts on the Provider’s servers, they undertake to have the consent of third parties to the extent that their materials are used on the created website.
  7. If the Customer uses technologies subject to GDRP on the website (user monitoring, collection of personal data, etc.), they are obliged to proceed in accordance with GDRP.

WEDOS Global

  1. The WEDOS Global service includes a set of various services that are based on and run on anycast technology. These are, for example, services: DDoS protection, IPS / IDS protection, anycast DNS, anycast reverse proxy, anycast CACHE server, anycast CDN, anycast VPN.
  2. The service is operated in so-called POP (s), which are individual separate functional points located in different parts of the world, at the sole discretion of the Provider and its operational and functional needs and requirements.
  3. The offer of individual services included in WEDOS Global may be changed in the future by offering new services or, conversely, by removing some services from the Provider’s offer. The current offer is described on the Provider’s website.
  4. Due to the technology used, there is the possibility of different use and individual setting of parameters in individual geographical locations. The settings are made by the Provider, or in exceptional cases by the Customer, when the service allows it and the settings menu is in the Customer Administration.
  5. In the case of using the Customer’s data storage (even temporarily) in a specific country in the world where POP (a certain functional part of the WEDOS Global service) is located, the Customer is obliged to comply with local laws.
  6. In the case of large-scale cyber attacks via a specific POP, the Provider is entitled to shut down this POP for the time necessary.
  7. Services that may be used to hide identity (Anycast VPN, etc.) may not be used by the Customer in violation of the laws of the country where the POP is located.

WEDOS MircoServices

  1. It is a rental service that is based on a kubernetes service, or similar. It is primarily a lease of services according to the current offer of the Provider.
  2. The Provider is responsible for the running of the virtualization platform (containers) and the entire environment, but is not responsible for the running of individual services, especially due to software errors or failures.
  3. The Customer is responsible for setting up selected services, for their configuration and the actual operation of software resources. These are separate applications and the Provider does not have access to the settings of parameters of individual services of the Customer.
  4. The Provider is not responsible for the up-to-dateness of the versions of the offered applications, or for their security.
  5. The Provider reserves the right to offer new versions of the application only when they deem it appropriate for security and operational reasons and the new version undergoes sufficient testing by the Provider.
  6. The Provider reserves the right to specify the minimum parameters for running the application.
  7. The Provider reserves the right to exclude the application from their offer and to terminate or suspend its operation if it poses security risks, overloads servers or other hardware resources or otherwise interferes with the normal operation of the WEDOS MicroServices service. In this case, the Customer has the right to a refund of a proportionate amount.

Virtual Servers

  1. The virtual server operation service includes only the operation of the relevant virtual (virtualized) hardware and the provision of connectivity to the Internet. This service does not include the operation of any software or any other services. The software is installed and configured on the server by the Customer themselves, or by the Provider for a fee according to the current price list.
  2. The Provider is responsible for the functionality of virtual servers in terms of hardware. In the event of a fault, they are obliged to replace the faulty hardware component or to replace the entire device within 4 hours of locating the problem. It is possible to adjust this period to a shorter one, in the form of an additional service according to the current price list. If the Provider does not rectify the HW fault within the agreed period, the Customer is entitled to 1 month of operation of the service free of charge. The location of a fault means the determination of the exact cause of the problem by the Provider’s technician.
  3. The Provider is not responsible for the functionality of the software on the virtual server and its correct configuration (except for software that directly ensures the virtualization of the virtual server hardware). The operating system on the server and all other software components and data are taken care of by the Customer, or Provider for a fee according to the current price list.
  4. The Provider does not monitor the functionality of the virtual server (with the exception of the virtualization environment and physical hardware). The Customer is obliged to arrange any monitoring of functionality, condition and availability themselves. The same applies for the detection of any hardware failure and its reporting to the Provider.
  5. The Customer is assigned 1 fixed public IP address for each virtual server, or another for an additional fee according to the current price list, which they can use on the server.
  6. The Customer is prohibited from using other IP addresses that have not been assigned to them by the Provider, or otherwise attempt to disrupt or overload the network communication or the Provider’s network itself. In the event of unauthorized use of the IP address, the Provider is entitled to immediately disconnect the server from the network.
  7. Virtual servers are operated on shared servers, ie those where services for multiple customers are located at the same time. This can degrade service availability and speed due to higher server utilization by other customers. The Provider does not guarantee the speed of services. If the Customer has higher requirements, it is recommended to switch to dedicated servers.
  8. The disk space of the virtual server also includes the space occupied by the operating system itself and other software installed on the server.
  9. The Customer is obliged to have their virtual server set up so that during a planned or unplanned restart all necessary applications and services on the server will start correctly. The Provider is not responsible for any problems or damages caused by incorrect launch of applications or services or incorrect configuration on the Customer’s server.

Dedicated Servers

  1. The above conditions for virtual servers shall also apply for dedicated servers appropriately.
  2. The Provider will only provide the original firmware, which will be provided by the manufacturer or an authorized distributor for a specific server model.


  1. WEDOS Cloud is a professional service based on type IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). It is aimed at demanding users who are looking for the best base for their own cloud data center. The conditions for virtual servers shall apply appropriately to the WEDOS Cloud service.
  2. The WEDOS Cloud service includes only the operation of the relevant virtual or physical hardware and the provision of connectivity to the Internet. This service does not include the operation of any software or any other services. The software is installed and configured on the server by the Customer themselves, or by the Provider for a fee according to the current price list.
  3. The WEDOS Cloud service enables the creation of an „unlimited“ number of virtual servers (hereinafter referred to as VM or VMs) within one service, as well as resisions – virtual servers with the possibility of changing CPU and RAM settings (the Customer can increase or decrease them at any time) (the VM must be restarted). It can also include disk resizing, distribution of purchased capacities (RAM, CPU, HDD) between individual VMs according to customer needs with the possibility of dynamic changes according to customer needs, division of CPU into virtual CPU on individual VMs, the possibility to purchase up to hundreds (or thousands) of CPU threads for one service. A detailed offer of the service in its current form is available on the Provider’s website.
  4. The Customer can combine WEDOS Public Cloud with their current Private cloud.
  5. An API is provided for the service.


  1. The WEDOS CD is the rental of a set of services based on NextCloud technology and possibly other related or similar technologies. The solution provides space for private file storage, including a comprehensive office suite and office solution that can be used as a complete backup environment.
  2. The Provider is responsible for the operation of the WEDOS CD service only in the sense of the operation of the hardware and the connection to the Internet. The Provider is only responsible for the functionality of the basic Nextcloud software and for the possibility of logging in to the basic interface.
  3. The Customer can use various applications. The range of these applications may vary and change over time. The Provider is not responsible for incorrect settings of individual applications or for errors in individual applications offered by the service.


  1. The WEDOS Disk service includes the rental of disk space on the Provider’s servers for the purpose of private file storage. Disk space is accessible via several protocols for sharing and working with files, details are given in the current service specification on the Provider’s website.
  2. Disk space is intended only for the Customer’s own needs. It may not be used to store, share or download files in public. In particular, the Customer is prohibited from publicly disclosing access data or links to files in this disk space.
  3. The WEDOS Disk service does not include any scripting or programming technologies. This is just a static placement of files within the leased disk space.
  4. The disk space has a fixed size and a fixed maximum number of placed files according to the selected service variant. This space and the number of files include everything that the Customer places in the disk space, including any other data and files that are necessary for the operation of the service. If the total space or the maximum number of files is exhausted, the Customer is not allowed to upload additional files.
  5. The WEDOS Disk service is operated on shared servers and disk arrays, ie on those where services for multiple customers are located at the same time. This can reduce the availability and speed of services due to higher utilization of the server or disk arrays by other customers. The Provider does not guarantee the speed of these services.
  6. The Provider only offers general information and instructions on how to connect the disk space to the client’s computer. The configuration of the client part and the solution of possible connection problems that are not caused by the Provider are fully under the control of the Customer.
  7. For some hosting services, the WEDOS Disk service is provided free of charge. When the relevant hosting service is suspended or canceled, the corresponding WEDOS Disk service is also suspended or canceled (including the possible complete deletion of data on the disk space without the possibility of their subsequent recovery).

Sending Emails

  1. It is forbidden to use any of the Provider’s hardware resources for mass distribution of any e-mail messages (eg newsletters), regardless of whether or not they are requested (requested newsletters cannot be sent, etc.), unless otherwise agreed between the Customer and the Provider.
  2. A maximum of 500 e-mail messages per day may be sent from the web hosting or email hosting, unless otherwise agreed individually. When this limit is exceeded, sending is rejected and messages are discarded.
  3. It is forbidden to send e-mail messages directly via SMTP protocol from the web hosting service (connection from PHP script to port 25), it is necessary to use the mail () function in PHP.
  4. A maximum of 500 e-mail messages per day may be sent via the Provider’s SMTP server. If this limit is exceeded, further messages are rejected.
  5. Limits on sending messages from the web hosting service and via the SMTP server can be increased for the Customer in agreement with the Provider. The judgement of the legitimacy of this requirement is at the discretion of the Provider.
  6. The Provider is not liable for any damage caused by the inability to send e-mail messages after exceeding the set limits.
  7. You may use any service for bulk messaging only if the following conditions are met:
    – they must be requested messages, ie the recipients must be aware that they have subscribed to these messages
    – messages must be sent in a non-intrusive quantity
    – the messages must state the procedure for unsubscribing and the sender must accept and respect unsubscription requests
    – all e-mail addresses to which the e-mail messages are sent must be obtained, stored and administered with the consent of the relevant GDRP
    – all sent e-mail messages must be fully GDRP compliant
  8. For all offered services, the Customer is obliged to provide the Provider, upon request, with information regarding the performed mass distribution:
    – how the e-mail addresses of the recipients are obtained and how consent to sending is obtained
    – what messages are sent
    – how often messages are sent
    – in what quantity they are sent (total number, sending speed)
    – how the recipients can cancel the subscription
    – any additional information as required by the Provider
  9. If the Customer carries out mass distribution of messages, they are obliged to act in such a way as to burden the target e-mail servers as little as possible, eg by spreading the distribution over time in reasonably small batches. It is forbidden to carry out mass distribution in one large batch.
  10. If the Customer sends e-mail messages in violation of these rules or does not provide the Provider with the required information, the Provider is entitled to completely block the sending of e-mail messages from the Customer.
  11. In the event that the Provider has a legitimate suspicion that the Customer is sending unauthorized bulk mail (messages with the nature of spam), the Provider has the right to immediately suspend the Customer’s services and cancel them without compensation.

Customer Support

  1. Customer support may be provided for the services to the extent according to the selected variant of the service, or according to the variant of the provided form (and scope) of the purchased support. For some services, customer support is not provided at all, even at an additional cost.
  2. Customer support, depending on the chosen variant, can be provided, for example, through tickets, chat, telephone, e-mail communication or using the contact form on the Provider’s website, or in any other suitable way agreed between the Provider and the Customer.
  3. Support is provided in time for the period specified on the Provider’s website in the description of the relevant service or form (and scope) of paid support, which the Customer chooses and pays for. Outside this period, only technical supervision and troubleshooting is provided.
  4. In the event of a failure or technical problem on the part of the Provider, the technicians intervene immediately during the day or at night (no later than 10 minutes after the problem is detected). Any interventions are carried out in the order determined by the Provider at their own discretion, especially with regard to the number of affected customers.
  5. Requests beyond basic customer support (non-standard technical or business tasks, technical or programmer intervention) are not fulfilled by support staff and are not completed immediately – such requests are passed to technicians or salespeople and are usually processed within 1 working day, but this is not guaranteed and some requests may take longer. The paid technical support service is implemented only in the case of free and available human capacities and by prior agreement and for a pre-agreed payment.
  6. The scope of customer support provided for individual services is always specified in its current form on the Provider’s website.
  7. The response time of customer support is not guaranteed in any way, except in cases of paid guaranteed customer support. The Provider offers various variants of guaranteed customer support, ie variants where the Customer can pay extra for a guarantee of response speed. In the event that the Provider does not comply with the relevant response time, the Customer is entitled to a discount on the monthly fee for this additional service. This offer of guaranteed customer support, with a precisely guaranteed reaction time, is listed in its current form on the Provider’s website.
  8. The Provider reserves the right to choose a suitable employee for communication, if the question or request better corresponds to the job classification of this employee or the original employee is not available.
  9. Any support provided beyond the Provider’s services is only considered a recommended procedure, without guarantee that the problem will be solved. The Customer should also consider the proposed procedure with respect to the software, versions of technology, scripts used, and think about circumstances that the recommended procedure may not consider, especially if the recommended procedure includes a process for editing and deleting data. The Customer is obliged to back up the data to a necessary extent before applying such a procedure.

Logging Customer Requests

  1. All Customer requirements related to an order are recorded and logged in detail.
  2. The Provider logs (records) in detail all requests for setting up, changes of settings or cancellation of services. The Provider does not only log requests from the Customer, but also all steps related to the setting up of services, changes to service settings, or even related to the cancellation of services.
  3. The Provider logs requests and changes not only in the Customer Administration, but in all interfaces related to the operation of all services, especially cloud services, which are logged in separate administrations (for example, or
  4. Customer request logs are usually not accessible to Customers, but are only available to the Provider for internal needs or for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes.
  5. The Provider shall keep all this data for a necessary period, at least 48 hours and at at most for a time in accordance with the relevant legislation, in particular in accordance with the GDPR, depending on the type and nature of the logged records.

Operation Logging

  1. The operation of hosting and cloud services is logged in accordance with legal regulations.
  2. The Provider collects and maintains various logs, which they further analyze and the Customer agrees to this.
  3. The Provider also collects data on network traffic in the form of so-called netflow, which maintains a sample of network traffic, which is still used for various security and traffic analysis purposes.

Time Synchronization

  1. The Provider uses NTP-based time synchronization on all devices and servers.
  2. The time zone used is Central European Time (CET) – UTC +1 or UTC +2 (in the case of summer time). For some services, the Customer is entitled to change the settings according to their own needs.
  3. The Provider is not responsible for any errors related to incorrect setting of the date and time on their devices or errors related to incorrect settings of the date and time in the Customer’s applications.

Billing and Payments

  1. The operation of hosting services is paid for in the form of a subscription according to the current price list, which is published on the Provider’s website. The choice of subscription length varies from service to service, but monthly or annual subscriptions are most common.
  2. After the Customer has ordered the service, the Provider will issue a proforma invoice to the Customer for the first subscription period. Only after the payment of this proforma invoice will the Provider set up the ordered service for the Customer.
  3. The Provider shall issue a proforma invoice (request for payment) for another period at least 10 days before the expiration of the prepaid period, unless otherwise set by the Customer via the Customer Administration.
  4. The above rules for billing hosting services shall apply appropriately to the procedures for the billing of cloud services. For some selected services, especially cloud services, it is possible to pay in the form of subsequent payment.
  5. Selected services (eg WEDOS Cloud, WEDOS Microservices) can be paid for in the form of a short-term lease, which can be paid after a period of time other than a month or a year, most often in the form of an hourly or daily subscription.

Service Variety Changes

  1. The Customer may, trough the Customer Administration, request a switch to another variant of a specific service, or a change in certain parameters of the service (in accordance with the current offer of the Provider). Changes to the settings are made in the settings of the respective service.
  2. In the event that the settings of a service cannot be changed via the Customer Administration, the Customer may request changes via the contact form on the Provider’s website. The Customer may request a switch to another variant of a service, the expansion of data space or the establishment or cancellation of another additional service. In this application, the Customer must prove their identity with their login data to their WEDOS customer account. The Customer shall state (in the application) on which date they request the change take place.
  3. If it is a transition to a higher service option or the establishment of a surcharge service, the Provider will issue an invoice to the Customer for the difference  the amount to be paid for the extension of the service until the end of the current subscription period. The extended service will be included in the subsequent down payment invoice for the next subscription period.
  4. If it is a change to a lower version of the service or a cancellation of the supplementary service, the Provider does not refund the Customer the difference from the amount paid for the current subscription period. The price for the service will be deducted on the down payment invoice for the next subscription period.
  5. When the service is terminated, the Customer will not be refunded the amount for the unused portion of the prepaid period.

Data Backups and Recovery

  1. The Customer is obliged to back up all their data by themselves in the way they deem appropriate and is obliged to perform backups to locations outside the hardware resources of the Provider. The Customer is also obliged to check the status of backups, especially whether they occur, are complete, functional and can be used for full recovery.
  2. The frequency of backups and their location is determined by the Customer and the Customer is fully responsible for the creation of these backups.
  3. Restoration from backups made by the Customer is performed by the Customer themselves with their own resources and at their own expense.
  4. For each service, the Provider uses different (especially hardware) means of data protection (for example, different versions of RAID or data cloning) to prevent data loss. A description of the data protection methods used is given for each service, if this is not the case for a service, then RAID6 or its equivalent is considered to be used. The Provider acknowledges that the data protection used does not exclude damage or complete loss of the Customer’s data and it is therefore necessary for the Customer to perform their own backup.
  5. The Provider handles data backup and recovery for individual services in various ways. A detailed description and scope of data backup is given in the description of individual services and the scope can be changed in case the service offer changes.
  6. The Provider warns that some services (such as dedicated servers or trial versions of services) are not backed up at all.
  7. The Provider warns that some variants of services may be backed up in a different way than other variants of the same service. Everything is always listed on the product page of the relevant service (in its specifications).
  8. A description of any data recovery process is given for each service separately, and if this is not the case, these terms and conditions shall apply appropriately. Eventual data recovery takes place gradually using the tools available to the Provider. Due to the amount of data, restoring data from a backup can, in some cases, take several days or longer.
  9. Backups performed by the Provider are used to restore data in the event of a failure of the server on which the services are operated. Backups performed by the Provider are not used for data recovery caused by the Customer themselves or an error in their software or due to data loss, for example due to poor security of the Customer’s applications. If the Customer requests data recovery from the backup if the data loss was not caused by the Provider or a failure of their technology, such recovery may not be available, the Provider may refuse to provide it to the Customer for operational reasons, or such recovery may be charged according to the current price list.
  10. The Customer understands that if the data are backed up, then the backups serve primarily for the needs of the Provider and for the case of necessary recovery in the event of an accident.
  11. The Customer understands that the data backups performed by the Provider may be incomplete or damaged and, despite maximum care on the part of the Provider, may not be in working order. The content and integrity of the data on the servers is unknown to the Provider and so the Provider is not able to verify the integrity of the data in any way and whether the content of the live (especially virtual, dedicated server) corresponds to the performed data backups.
  12. The Provider does not have the ability to verify the contents of backups, so it is not possible to verify the timeliness of the data inside the backup.
  13. The Provider backs up data as physical images of the operating system and not as specific data. The Provider therefore backs up one file – an image, which then has, for example, an identical creation date to the creation date of the virtual server, and the size of this image is identical to the size of the purchased variant of the service. The Provider does not have access to the content of the data stored inside the image.
  14. The Customer is obliged to back up all their data. The extent and frequency of backups is at the Customer’s discretion.
  15. Web hosting data is most often backed up once a week, or otherwise according to a specific variant of the relevant service, for which details are always given in the description of the properties of individual services on the WEDOS website.
  16. The Provider may perform weekly backups of virtual servers, but only for the need of recovery in the event of a technical failure or malfunction by the Provider. The Customer is obliged to perform routine backups of software and data themselves through their own means. The Provider does not back up dedicated servers.
  17. Data on disk spaces or database data are not backed up by the Provider, unless otherwise agreed or stated for the selected service. The Provider emphasizes and repeats that the Customer is obliged to back up the data themselves through their own means.

Security – Data Security

  1. The Provider, in the case of cloud services, specifies as part of the agreement the relevant information security measures that the Cloud Provider implements in order to avoid misunderstandings between the Cloud Service Provider and the Cloud Service Customer. The applicable information security measures that the Cloud Service Provider implements may vary depending on the type of cloud services used by the Cloud Service Customer.
  2. Unless otherwise stated (for the selected service), the Customer’s data are not encrypted on the Provider’s servers.
  3. The Customer is entitled to secure their data in a manner they deem appropriate and is, for example, entitled to encrypt it themselves.
  4. The Provider strives for sufficient data security and pays sufficient attention and care to data security.
  5. The Customer understands that due to the nature of traffic on the Internet, there are reasonable risks of loss or damage or theft of their data, which are stored on the Provider’s server.
  6. The Customer is obliged to protect all their data themselves in a reasonable manner with regard to the value and nature of their data.

Usage Safety

  1. The Provider pays sufficient and reasonable attention to the safety of the services‘ operation. As part of this, the Provider operates various types of protection and their scope changes over time, as does the protection of individual services.
  2. For example, the Provider operates an antivirus solution for selected mail servers.
  3. The Provider also provides protection against DDoS attacks, by operating their own DDoS protection.
  4. The Provider operates their own IPS / IDS protection.
  5. The Provider has internal methodologies of data protection, server security, including rules for access (authorization) of individual employees within the building, network, servers, services, etc..

The Monitoring of Services and Their Availability

  1. The Provider monitors the availability and functionality of hosting and cloud services.
  2. The Customer understands that the monitoring of services and their availability serves primarily for the Provider’s purposes.
  3. The data obtained from the monitoring service are then analyzed.

Gaurantee of Service Availability, Breakdowns and Downtime

  1. The Provider guarantees the availability and functionality of hosting and cloud services to the extent specified in this agreement, or for individual services or on the basis of an individual agreement.
  2. If the service is unavailable due to a failure for more than 1 hour in a calendar month, the Customer is entitled to compensation in the form of a 1% discount for each additional started hour of unavailability, but no more than the amount corresponding to the monthly service fee. This discount is provided in the first month of the following subscription period, which has not yet been paid by the Customer, or by providing the appropriate number of days free of charge.
  3. The period of unavailability of the system during planned outages is not included in the period of unavailability for which the Customer is entitled to compensation according to the previous paragraph.
  4. In the event that only a part of the service is unavailable and other parts of the service work at the same time, the compensation will be reduced proportionally.
  5. The Provider is not responsible for the unavailability of services that are caused by third parties, such as the setting of incorrect routing on the Internet or the failure of some superior third-party systems (such as networks, DNS).
  6. In the event that the service is unavailable in accordance with the previous paragraph, the Customer is not entitled to any compensation (for example, a discount on the services provided or, for example, a month free of charge).
  7. The Customer is obliged to build and operate their services in such a way that any technical problem with the Provider or a third party does not affect the availability of the Customer’s service.


  1. In the event of technical failures of services of a similar nature as data and telecommunications services, claims for damages are limited and are only possible if otherwise agreed between the parties (beyond the law or these terms and conditions).
  2. In the event that no individual agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Provider, the Customer is not entitled to compensation for any damage caused by damage or loss of data.
  3. The Customer further understands that with reference to §64 paragraphs 11 and 12 of Act 127/2005 Coll. on Electronic Communications and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts (Act on Electronic Communications), the entrepreneur providing the service is not obliged to compensate users of the service for damages incurred as a result of service interruption „, ie paragraph 12: „The entrepreneur providing the electronic communications service is not obliged to compensate their users for the damage they incur as a result of the interruption of the service or defective provision of the service“.
  4. Due to the nature of the services offered, the contracting parties have agreed that the Provider is not responsible for the loss of data, especially with regard to the fact that the Provider does not have the opportunity to assess the loss, its extent and what data was lost.
  5. The Customer is obliged to avoid the loss of data by all available means (for example, through security measures, the use of current software versions, regular backups).

Individual SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

  1. The Customer can arrange an individual SLA for selected services.
  2. The subject of SLAs (Agreed Service Levels) are special guaranteed parameters of monthly availability, maximum length of service failure or related to data corruption or loss. The subject of the individual SLA by the Provider is the obligation to pay for this guarantee of the quality of the services provided the price agreed in the individual SLA agreement.
  3. All individual SLAs must be in writing and can only be applied in the future.

Duration of the Agreement and its Termination

  1. The Contract for the provision of paid services is concluded for a definite period of time, unless otherwise agreed by the contracting parties. The duration of the Agreement is determined by written agreement of the parties or automatically by choosing the length of the billing period by the Customer when ordering the service, in which case the duration of the Agreement is automatically agreed for the same period as one billing cycle. The Contract is renewed in its current wording again with a new billing period for this already existing service.
  2. Customers are provided with a money back guarantee for selected services for a period of 7 or 180 days. Details and conditions are listed on the Provider’s website.